W E L C O M E !
Hello everyone! I'd love to make this a little blog about all sorts of things I find neat!
Recently, I had discovered that my fiance is an avid reader of all things witchcraft and the Norse gods. I, myself, had been attracted to the occult since around 2020, and perhaps maybe even before that, though I suppose I had never fully been able to explore what that meant for me in specifics (Bible-Belt Neighborhoods can be extremely oppresive to young queer teenagers, especially those who aren't also Christian, but that's another rant for another day). After visiting some witchy shops with them, I started to become drawn once more to the mystic, unusual and otherwise otherworldly. What finally pushed me head-first into witchcraft was a tarot reading by our close friend, who is also a witch, that seemed to give me all the answers I had ever wanted. It made me realize, "Damn, I want to be a witch, too!".
To be blunt, I am going by the pseudonym "Meowziie". I feel like it encapsulates the early 90s Internet persona I'd like to go for, as well as keeping my anonymity for comfort's sake as well as prioritizing the safety of myself and my family.
I am particularly inspired by Lyra Black's Recreational Witchcraft book, and it made me wonder if I could make a baby witch blog that talks a bit about my experiences, fears, aspirations and other miscellaneous things I just want to put out there. She specifically made me feel seen as someone who previously felt almost gatekept out of the occult, and it made me feel seen as a baby witch with a college-student's typical income of next to nothing.
I will try to write posts as often as I can, but I am a university student who also is not very fond of most social media platforms. I have deleted all my other platforms besides my YouTube and my art commissions, which will be linked somewhere around this site if you're curious and want to see some of my films or art.
I am, by no means, an expert at witchcraft or any of the subjects I may discuss on here. In fact, this blog is an honest-to-goodness attempt to be relatable to other young witches who are a bit afraid to commit to spells or other witchy things. In fact, I haven't even cast my first spell yet. Yeah, that's how dang new I am!
On one hand, I feel like my perspective is unique in some ways, though I acknowledge that there are probably a lot of other young, queer witches in college who want to do this as well. To that I say, let's make a friendly little community! I'd love more friends interested in the supernatural or strange!
On another hand, this website isn't just for witchcraft. It's also for me to talk about my journey deleting mainstream social media platforms, switching to a "dumbphone" as people are calling it (although as a 2002 baby, I grew up with calling it a flip-phone or even flippy), and essentially my journey through university as someone unconventional and weird.